Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Beware of Garraway enterprises

GARRAWAY enterprises claims to be in holiday business, are in to false promisses to lure innocent customers and extract money. Once the money is in to their pocket or you are trapped you don't hear from them.... you don't receive reply for your calls or mails...

Beware of GARRAWAY ...

Enquire about them before you signup with them about their service after signing up.. do a study before you visit them when they call you to attend their 2hour meeting

once you are in ... you are in their trap.. they will suck your cash out with all false promiss and that is the end.

If any of you have similar experience of mine you are welcome to leave your comments and feed back to save at least the innocent people that may fall into the trap again.

I will be posting my experince in details with proof of what I say and emails that you will find funny in the following days.


Anonymous said...

Hi Abraham,

I just signed up a membership w them.
Could you please give more details on your bad experience ?


Anonymous said...

I m a victim of all their smooth talking and false promises. CASE is bringing them to court for unfair practises.

"Consumers Association of Singapore (CASE) hauls timeshare company, Garraway Enterprises Limited Singapore Branch to court for breaching the Consumer Protection Act, particularly, by exerting undue pressure on its consumers, making misleading and/or false claims and/or representing that a price benefit or advantage exists in respect of a good or service where such benefit or advantage does not."

Link: http://dailysingapore.com/2009/02/06/case-hauls-timeshare-company-garraway-to-court/

Definitely a positive step for all those of us who feel cheated by Garraway.

There is blog page that is attempting to collate all news, comments, feedback with regards to Garraway.


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